Home remedies for coughing children

Natural remedies coughing in children - Numerous parents used to head straight to their local pharmacy when their child started coughing. Most don't know that over-the-counter medications to treat coughs and colds aren't safe for children under 2 and may not work or could seriously harm small children under 6.  

Be sure kids keep hydrated, and give them what they are accustomed to consuming. For infants, stick to breast milk or components for people younger than 6 months. Sometimes parents hear that they shouldn’t give milk because it promotes mucus building, for me It’s important for babies to continue drinking breast milk or formula as this helps a lot.

Remedies for coughing children are Soft foods such as puddings, Popsicles, chicken soup, gelatin desserts, and ice cream can feel good to a scratchy throat depends on the situation. 

Give a half-teaspoon of honey to your child ages 2 to 5; 1 teaspoon to children ages 6 to 11; and 2 teaspoons to those 12 and older. Honey can address coughs extra correctly than over-the-counter medicines

Another Advice I will give to a parent is..  Please Don’t smoke in a home with children. While children have colds, keep them away from smoke from other sources, too, such as grills and wood-burning fires. If the coughing is so severe that it keeps a child from sleeping, or if the cough lasts beyond 10 days, discuss it with a doctor.